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All information on notarial competence with a professional Belgian consulate is available on the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs.
There are two options for obtaining a power of attorney required for, e.g. the sale or acquisition of real estate, a donation or inheritance in Belgium:
You ask your Belgian notary to e-mail a draft of power of attorney to the following address of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, notaribox@diplobel.fed.be.
After that, the Consulate General in Montreal will contact you as soon as possible. Some data will be verified and some documents will have to be submitted. Only then a date for the signature of the deed can be convened.
Following your appointment with the Consul, you will have to send the signed deed to the notary in Belgium. The deed signed at the Consulate General in Montreal will not need to be legalized in Belgium.
You sign a power of attorney before a Canadian notary. You will then have to obtain the necessary legalization and translation of that power of attorney.
For more information about notary acts in Belgium, visit this site