Address and opening hours of the Consulate General

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and directions for the Consulate General in Montreal.

  1. Last updated on

Due to the high number of calls we receive, you may not be able to reach the Consulate General by phone. However, a lot of information is available on this website. If you cannot find the information needed, send us an email. In the interest of an informative answer, please identify yourself properly by stating your name, date of birth, nationality and contact details. 


1000 Sherbrooke Street West - suite 1400 
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3G4  
T: +1 514 849 73 94 
T: +1 514 236 54 02 [Emergency number only for Belgian citizens in distress only, outside opening hours]  

For registration in the consular registry: 
For passports & eIDs: 
For nationality & civil status: 
For elections: 
For the Office of the Consul General: 
For visas: 
For other queries: 


Office Hours


  • By phone: The Consulate General can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday, from 8 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 5 PM (Montreal time).
  • Open to the public from 9 AM to 1 PM.  


Prepare your visit by browsing this website. Please avoid coming spontaneously to our premises without preparing your visit. 


Closing Days 2024 

The Consulate General will be closed on the following days in 202
1 January: New Year 

Tuesday 2 January: Day after New Year 
Friday 29 March: Good Friday 
Monday 1 April: Easter Monday 
Monday 2
0 May: Victoria Day / Patriots’ Day / Pentecost Monday   
Monday 24 June: St. John the Baptist 
1 July: National Day of Canada 
Monday 22 July: National Day of Belgium (compensation for Sunday 21 July
Monday 2 September: Labour Day 
30 September: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 
14 October: Thanksgiving Day 
Monday 1
1 November: Remembrance Day 
Wednesday 25 December: Christmas 
hursday 26 December: Boxing Day 

