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If you are registered in the population register of the Consulate General of Belgium in Montreal, you can notify us that you are returning to Belgium permanently or that you are moving to another country. Please note that there is no special procedure to take with our services when you leave Canada: you will be automatically removed from the consular registers in Montreal when you register in the population register of a municipality in Belgium or with another Belgian diplomatic or consular post. Our services are not involved in this procedure.
If you return to Belgium, please note that this registration is not optional but mandatory: within eight working days after your arrival in the territory, you must register (as well as all members of your household) in the population register of the municipality where you have established residence.
If you need proof of address in Canada, for example to avoid paying customs tax on your personal effects when you return to Belgium (your mover will advise you on this), you can apply for an Attestation of residence as instructed on this page.
You’ll find more practical information for your return to Belgium on the federal portal.