Belgian pension

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All information on your Belgian pension abroad is available on the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs.

On May 10th, 1984, Belgium and Canada have signed a bilateral agreement on social security. The consular service in this domain is restricted to the validation and issuing of life certificates. 

For all other questions one has to contact directly the competent authorities in Belgium and Canada. 

Request a Belgian pension while living in Canada

If you live in Canada, you have been working in Belgium and are approaching the Belgian legal pension age, you are eligible for submitting your request for a Belgian pension in Canada. Kindly find the necessary forms on this page 

Please send the form to the nearest social security office or to: 

International Operations Service Canada 
P.O. Box 250 
New Brunswick, E3B 4Z6 

This Canadian institution will follow up your request directly with the authorities in Belgium. Be sure to start the procedure about 1 year before you reach the Belgian legal pension age. A request for a survivors benefit also needs to be submitted through the same institution.

Life certificate

Every year, the Federal Pensions Service (SFPD) in Belgium sends a form called “levensbewijs” / “certificat de vie” to each beneficiary. In some cases it may be sent on a more regular basis. As a beneficiary you have to fill in the form with your personal data and sign it. Then the form needs to be stamped by a competent authority (see below) in order to certify that you are alive. 

Canadian authorities entitled to stamp the form: 

  • Town hall or municipality of your place of residency  
  • Police officer 
  • Commissioner of oaths 
  • Notary public 
  • Solicitor 
  • Any branch of Service Canada - check their website to locate the closest office. 

The Belgian representations in Canada also can stamp your form free of charge, but only if you possess the Belgian nationality

If you are a Belgian national, you will have to present yourself in person at either the Consulate General in Montreal, a honorary consulate or the Embassy in Ottawa with the form duly completed and a Belgian piece of identification (passport or identity card). If you are unable to attend in person (illness, advanced age, remoteness of your residence…) you can send your completed and signed form, together with a stamped return envelope with your address, as well as: 

  • A medical certificate and a copy of your Belgian ID (with a recognizable picture) 
  • A picture of yourself with a daily newspaper on which the date is visible and a copy of your Belgian ID (with a recognizable picture) 

The Consulate General will also be able to certify your personal data on the form if they correspond with the data in its registers

Finally, you will have to send the stamped form back to  the Federal Pension Service within 30 days

Federal Pensions Service (SFPD)
Zuidertoren – Tour de Midi 
Esplanade de l'Europe 1
B-1060 Brussels 


Contact formFrench - Dutch

More information can be obtained at the above mentioned address as well as at: 

          Tel: +11 32 78 15 1765 

Complaints about the services rendered by the pension offices have to be addressed to:

Pensions Ombudsman  
WTC III Bd - Simon Bolivar 30, box 5 
B-1000 Brussels 
Tel: +11 32 2 274 19 90    
Fax: +11 32 2 208 31 43  